1. 即興演奏 Solo :理解可運用的聲響選擇,大調及三個小調的各七個調式使用,其他音階(dim, whole tone, min7 pentatonics, min6 pentatonics)的使用 available harmonic devices,chord scales and their applications
2. 伴奏 Comp : 和聲配置 voicings (drop2, drop3, drop24, triad over root,4ths voicings, spread triads…etc),和聲連接 voice leading
3. 節奏訓練 Rhythm (感受拍點跟subdivision, feeling the beats)
4. 了解時間的重要性 Time feel
5. 技巧 Technique ( 音色,Touch,Feel)
6. 編寫吉他演奏曲 Develop Solo Guitar Etudes
1. 如何學習爵士標準曲 Jazz Standards
2. 辨識Bebop 語彙 Language
3. 演奏現代作品 modern compositions
4. 節奏組鍛鍊 rhythm section training
其 他 風 格 演 奏:藍調,流行,R&B...等演奏。
和聲學: 現代樂理,爵士樂裡的和聲 (harmony in jazz standards),有功能及沒有功能的和聲(functional and non functional harmony)
聽力訓練 ear training:
1. 辨識和弦(三和弦 triads,七和弦 seventh chords,有引申音的和弦 chords with 1-3 tensions or more)
2. 辨識音階及其調式 (major, natural minor, harmonic minor, melodic minor and their modes)
3. 辨識常見和聲進行 (Harmony Progressions in the Great American Song Book)
4. 辨識 modal interchange chords
1. writing lead sheet music in the form of jazz standards
2. writing through composed composition
3. ostinato based composition
4. modern compositions
1. 5 管編曲,6 管編曲,大樂團編曲的voicing 排列。
2. 理解對位的效果 writing counterpoint。
參考影片及音樂可於Youtube搜尋Roger Lin Music